Thursday, April 25, 2013

Blog #15: Change and Keep About the Class

I do not know if I would change anything about the class.  The biggest bother was not receiving my grades back quickly.  There was a lot of writing, but I realize you have us do the writing to help us in other classes.  I feel I may have learned more if I would have attended a personal class, but for convenience of work and home I chose online.  You did require a lot of assignments, but they were helpful in doing a larger assignment.

I enjoyed writing my blog's.  I would have preferred to be allowed to write about what I wanted, a little more.  The blog assignments gave me the opportunity to think about subjects I normally would not have considered.  Overall, this class has been challenging.  Getting the assignments turned in on time, doing the writing in the proper manner; and the reference, bibliography, an d works cited pages have been the biggest challenge of all.  I still do not believe if I know how to do those correctly.

You did a good job at responding to questions quickly.  You were also good to fix any problems that were brought to your attention.  I had an issue with my computer and was unable to finish a blog on time, but I e-mailed you the reason and you seemed understanding.  I appreciate that.

Overall, I was pleased with the class.  It seems like it has been a long semester and I am glad to see the end, but I believe it is because I have Spring fever.  I will be attending both summer semesters, but a change in classes will be good.  Thank you for allowing me to participate in your class.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Blog 14: The End of Class

I know we have the opportunity to write about anything, but I must release what I have gotten from this class.  I have learned, somewhat, how to write every type of paper there is.  I do not call myself a writer, and my grade (for my papers) does not say I am one either.  I have found this class to be very challenging.  I appreciate the challenge, but I do not feel I have learned a whole lot for future use.  Maybe, I will realize it in the future.  I have learned to sit and brainstorm, use databases, and summarize and paraphrase.  Or at least, I hope I was successful with those.  My only complaint about the class is that we did not receive grades or comments back in a timely manner.  I realize Mrs. Hall has several other classes, but I would have liked a little more output before the next assignment was due.  This class overall has been a good experience.  I am not a huge fan of  online classes, but I use them for convenience of work and family.  I believe one gets a little more learning from the classroom. 

My plans for the summer are to take Basic Health and Nutrition in Summer I, and Medical Terminology in Summer II.  I would love to be finished with all of my basics and begin working on my degree by the time my children all graduate high school.  This has been a challenge.  I went to college right out of high school in 1993, but did not accumulate many hours.  Now 20 years later, have decided to try again.  I began last summer, altogether I have 21 hours.  So, I feel I have done fairly well.  I also work full time and am a mother of three.  Hopefully, in 3 years, I will have made major progress in my goal. 

I wish everyone the best of luck in their own goals.  I hope you will continue to strive toward them no matter how tough it gets.  One of my mentors has said, " You have to take it one minute at a time."  I have found this to be true, and have had to remind myself of it.  Sometimes I wonder why I ever started, but then I take time to look forward at the ultimate goal: there is a purpose for me and right now it is to go to school and make something better of myself.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blog 11: Topics

I can not personally say if you should ban some topics or not.  I understand why you put these specific topics on the banned list.  One of them, we have already written about and the others are highly controversial.

Some of the topics could be personal to some and the others may cause a heated argument.  Even though, this is a class of adults, some people do not know how to carry on a civilized discussion much less argue a point without getting out of hand.

I would prefer to choose my own topics.  I am not a writer, by far: but I find it easier to write about topics I relate to or am familiar with.  The papers we have written so far, have been difficult for me.  I have had to do a lot of research, and I did not do well on the first one.  I was very disappointed.  I have also learned how to search for information in different ways, the database, reviews, and the Internet.  I have recently returned to school, when I researched for papers before, I had to go to the library and search through books.  I am grateful for my opportunity to expand my knowledge of what is out there waiting to be discovered.

I believe you ban topics because you can (ha, ha).  Really, because you want your students to think beyond the box.  These issues you listed are common arguments.  I think you want us to use our brains to discover something within ourselves that we feel is an important argument, but may not realize just how important.  This gives us an opportunity to discuss our side of the issue, and discover the opposing side.

Blog12: Children, are they adults?

My argument is how old should a child be legally, to get emancipated.  It seems, teenagers know everything, can take care of themselves, and want to be the boss, they think.  They do not realize we learn something new everyday, even adults.  We take care of ourselves by going to work everyday, even when we do not feel like going.  Finally, if you ask me, being the boss sucks.  Boss makes you responsible for other people, bills, food, housing: I could go on and on.
Children think life is rough living at home with mom and dad.  They complain because you ask them to clean their room or do a chore.  If the children can not do a  little work around the house how do they ever plan to make a living.

I know my children are a little spoiled.  They have not done without anything.  My children, for the most part, think life is easy.  We as a family have had a  rough time, but my children have grandparents who do not believe a child should work for what they get.  I believe you get what you work for.  There is no one standing out in the world just handing out thousand dollar bills.

I plan to argue a teenage child is not ready to live on their own.  I realize in the sixties folks were married at fifteen and sixteen, but they were hard workers and more responsible.  Today, from my own experience, children have their handout and do not want to work for what they get.  I believe children need to get an education, stable job, and then worry about making it on their own.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Blog #10: Cash for Good Grades

When I was in high school, 1990-1993, there was an incentive program for honor roll students (all A's or A & B) and perfect attendance.  One received free food coupons, movie passes, special lunches, etc. for doing well.  I realize all student's are not straight "A" students, "A & B" students, and all may not even be able to attend school everyday; but all students should strive to do their best.  I have not always been an honor roll student.  In elementary school, I received resource help in reading.  In junior high, I also struggled to do well, but I studied.  I always turned in homework, I would do extra credit work, and above all I pushed to do my best. 

I do and do not see a negative side.  I realize because some may not be able to accomplish these goals it would appear to be unfair; especially, if one were truly doing their best.  Also, something that could hinder a child from applying themselves, is an abusive or unstable home.  In all reality, this is not the child's fault, but if the child were to be determined to make it in life they could push for the positive (good grades).  Although, I believe most can accomplish these goals.  One has to be willing to apply themselves and want to achieve. 

The positive side, to this incentive program, is one has an opportunity to decide if the grade is worth the goal.  Some are not willing to try unless there is a reward in the end.  The good grade should be reward enough, but sadly for some it is not.  I hope this program will help children achieve their goals and push those who may not have goals, to decide they want better for themselves.

Blog #9: Marijuana: Legal or Illegal

Personally marijuana is probably safer than other forms of medication.  It is natural, unless someone adds a man made substance to it, the side effects are natural.

Do I agree one should alter their mind.  No!, but what happens when alcohol is consumed, the outcome most often is worse.  If medical marijuana is being used by patients who need it for comfort, to have an appetite and it is honestly benefiting them, sure.  If the drug is being abused, taking away from needs of family members, or keeping one from a normal livelihood, then I would say it is not needed.  Legalization of marijuana has become  a sore subject at my house.  I did not vote for the legalization of marijuana.  My husband, who has lost his right to vote, was upset with me when he discovered this.  I am no saint.  I have had my experiences, but I also realized I wanted and deserved better for myself and my family.  I do not believe marijuana makes one crazy, or effects ones driving ability; in fact it probably slows them down.

My issue is, like so many others things, it takes the place of a need.  People will spend their last dollar on alcohol, cigarettes, or to get high; even if they do not have anything to eat, rent paid, or clothes on their backs.

Here is what I see, people are going to do what they want, legal or otherwise.  If marijuana is legalized, it will be like buying a pack of cigarettes.  If it is not , people will continue buying, smoking, selling illegally, and then be fined or go to jail when caught. One has to decide what is more important to them, abide by the law or take a chance and do what is illegal until it is legalized.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blog #8: Women With A Voice

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a woman of many words.  She had a friend, Susan B. Anthony whom supported and helped her succeed in three areas: slavery, the right to vote, and religion.  ?Stanton felt women should have a voice in making political decisions.  She was the daughter of a lawyer and in turn married a lawyer.  Elizabeth had an enormous respect for her gender; so much so, she did not speak the word "obey" in her marriage vows.  Therefore, one is to believe she did not agree with slavery.  It is amusing how a christian society believes in slavery, women not having a voice, and being told how to believe.  This all sounds like slavery.  I am Christian, but "slave" to  God. 
Stanton believed the same, I believe, but she wanted everyone to be treated fairly.  God did plan for man to be our leader, but a godly man.  Women, God made, to help man-support, love, and take care of them.  Elizabeth's husband supported her ideas.  She met her husband, Henry Stanton, while assisting fugitive slaves.  Elizabeth was a pushing force and leader in trying to get support for women's rights.  She would attend political, "man only," meetings; even if she was not invited.  Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her colleagues were not alive to see women's rights become possible.  Because of them slaves are free, women can vote, and religion is a choice.  We should speak what we believe and push for what is right until it becomes reality.